Consolidated Baptist District Educational Convention

Consolidated Baptist District Educational Convention




Through the supreme lovingkindness of our Heavenly Father, we are bountifully privileged to meet in Convention compact; to aid in the great work of the intellectual, moral, and spiritual culture of Baptist beliefs. We shall ascribe to the New Hampshire Declaration of Faith – commonly known as the 18 Articles of Faith, and unreservedly cooperate in the sublime work of promoting.
1. the purity of the doctrine
2. the endorsement and promotion of Christian education, and
3. the advancement of all functions of the Sunday School and the Baptist Training Union.

In keeping with the spirit of the age and our Baptist beliefs, we do set forth the following Constitution:


Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Consolidated Baptist District Educational Convention an auxiliary of the Consolidated Baptist District Association.

Section 2. The object of the Convention shall be to enhance the work of the Churches and Christian education as well as maintain and transmit the doctrines of the Baptist faith.


To share the costs and expenses and to be about the work of Christ, we will meet annually at a place so designated by both the Convention and Association or, in case of an emergency, by the Convention’s Executive Board.
Section 1. To share the cost and expenses and to be about the work of Christ, we will meet annually (Annual
Session) at a place so designated by both the Convention and Association or in case of emergency,
another location as designated by the Convention’s Executive Board.

Section 2. During the Annual Session the Convention shall be presided over by its President.

(a) The Convention shall have a day and a third (1 1/3) to do its work; ample time shall be granted to
the convention during its Annual Session.
(b) The convention shall have a study period during the week of the Annual Session. The Convention
shall hold but not be bound to classes every day of the annual session.

Section 3. The convention shall use virtual meetings, teleconferences, electronic meetings and other agreed upon

electronic/virtual means to attend to the work of the Convention.


Section 1. The Convention shall be composed of the messengers sent from a Missionary Baptist Church that ascribes to the New HampshireDeclaration of Faith, commonly known as the 18 Articles of Faith, whose Sunday Schools, Baptist Training Unions, and Youth Departments are in good standing with the Consolidated Baptist District Educational Convention.

Section 2. Any Sunday School, Baptist Training Union, and Youth Department of the District shall become a member of this Convention during any Annual Session by submitting an application. Such applications shall be referred
to the proper committee by the President which, when reported by the committee of the Convention, shall
receive decisive action.

Section 3. Each Baptist Church belonging to this Convention shall be entitled to Representation from their Sunday School, Baptist Training Union, and Youth Department which shall be elected by each Church’s said Sunday
School, Baptist Training Union, and Youth Department.

Section 4. The messengers shall possess all rights and privileges as members of theConvention.

Section 5. (a) The representation for the Sunday School, Baptist Training Union, and Youth Department shall be a minimum of $150 for ten (10) voting representatives or less. An additional $20.00 per person shall be required for all representative above the number of ten (10).+
(1) The representation by each church at each of four (4) EducationalInstitutes during the Convention year shall be a minimum of$75.00.+ ********
(b) Any member of a Missionary Baptist Church can become an AnnualMember by paying the fee of $10.00. Life Membership fees will be$25.00. A certificate will be given which shall give him/her theprivilege of speaking and voting except in the election of officers – nor can said person(s) hold an elected office. Only accredited messengers
may (1) vote in the election of officers and (2) hold the position of anelected office. The Secretary or Historian will keep a record of life members.

Section 6. In keeping with Baptist teaching and beliefs, we hold that no Church shall receive or maintain membership in this Convention if said Church decides to license or ordain a woman for the Preaching ministry.+


Section 1. The officers of the Convention shall be President, Vice-President, 2 nd Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding (Assistant) Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary,**** Musician, Assistant Musician, Chorister, Historian, Parliamentarian, Director of the Youth Department, Assistant Director of the Youth Department***, Youth Minister***, Dean, and Associate Dean – all of whom shall be elected annually.
(a) No officer shall succeed himself/herself more than four (4) con-secutive years. He/She may be elected to another office, but not the office he/she presently holds. The duties of the various officers shall be in common with those of the same in other organizations of like nature.


There shall be an Executive Board composed of Convention officers, seven (7) elected members, and all living former Presidents. Each elected member may be re-elected to serve a consecutive year, not to serve beyond two consecutive years. Upon completion of a two-year term, he/she may not be re-elected to the Board until he/she has been off two (2) consecutive years.******

Each Executive Board member is expected to be in attendance three-fourths (3/4) of all scheduled meetings. The President shall be chairman ex-officio of said Board. The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President. The Corresponding Secretary shall serve as Secretary of the Executive Board and Assistant Secretary of the Convention.

(1) The Executive Board shall have the power to conduct the business of the Convention during the intervals between the Annual Meeting of the Convention. They cannot undo anything done by the Convention unless such matter has been referred by the Convention with the power to act by a majority vote of the Convention.

(2) In the absence of the standing officers of the Convention, the order shall be that the Executive Board shall have the power to conduct the Institutes of the Convention during the intervals between the Annual Meeting of the

(3) The Executive Board shall make an annual written report to the Convention.


The following committees shall be appointed by the President at each Annual Session: New Executive Board, Credentials, Finance,Education & Periodicals, Temperance, Obituary, Destitution, Program, Simmons Bible College, Nomination of Officers, Grievance,Resolution, New Church, Appropriations,** and Time and Place Committee.****
(a) GRIEVANCE - All questions of grievance involving membership shall be referred without debate to a committee of five (5) agreeable to the accuser and the accused. The Resolution Committee shall provide a solution to the
Grievance Committee provided the matter at hand has been reviewed by the Executive Board, with a report made at the succeeding Annual Session. There shall not be debate on the floor except the accuser and the accused shall have
five (5) minutes each to address the Convention. The Convention will then vote without debate, and the vote of the Convention shall be final.


This Constitution may be amended at any Annual Session by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of messengers present when a written notice during the first day (during the first session) of the Annual Session has been provided. The article(s) to be amended and the intended change(s) must be clearly stated – to be voted on the following Friday (final session) of the Annual Session of the same year said proposal is offered to the Convention Body, to take effect at the sound of the gavel for the succeeding year.+


Be it hereby declared that the Youth Department of the Consolidated Baptist District Educational Convention is a department of the Convention and is subject to the Constitution of the Convention. The Youth Department slate of officers shall be the same as those of the Convention as listed in Article IV, and its officers are part of the Executive Board of the Convention. All officers of the Youth Department of said Convention must be at least twelve (12) years of age at the time of that current annual session.


The latest Robert’s Rule of Order shall govern the deliberations of the Convention in matters not otherwise stated.
** Ratified and amended July 11, 2007; effective July 15, 2008
*** Ratified and amended July 15, 2009; effective July 13, 2010
+ Ratified and amended July 14, 2010; effective July 16, 2010
****Ratified and amended July 19, 2013;
*****Ratified and amended July 17, 2015
******Ratified and amended July 17, 2015
*******Ratified and amended July 14, 2017
******** Ratified and Amended July 13, 2018, effective
********* Ratified and Amended July 19, 2019
**********Ratified and Amended August 6, 2022